Bad is that ... More has senilizat. Odious in Silence of the Lambs, which he kept his victims in a well to flay them at a time to make nice clothes, a lousy killer became frustrated. Production decreased drastically, and the old ways than sechestratul chicks was left in a pit as the pit, somewhere in the woods blazed hat. Does not know what is the purpose of the world, and we do so.
Suppose that a chick (Jill, delivered by Amanda Seyfried) has not fucked and State to ... but really, to what? I understand that eventually killed, but it's hard to believe that's all. But, boy 'does not want to tell us what and how.
Just dropped like, Jill is a stay at psihuşkă, recovers exactly how to know if delirious or not, whether it was or was not attempted kidnăpire and etc.. Moves with her sister and wait. That is it just a feeling that boo-boo did not renounce it. And, what to see? Hop, sister disappears. Fuguţa the police. These, first make plictisiţii, then get angry at it, that supposedly there is not no criminal and his sister is in the neighborhood.
Dilimacă sick to be taken with a gun in your bag and jiu jitsu figures in his head, Jill gets its own investigation, which knocks the bottom investigation shame older cops. And start, nenică, clue's come to it, cuminţele, spălăţele, arranged with taste, do not have to sign, that they come, desperate to get in chief. (The most valuable information is obtained from a neighbor who told him that's she looking for him, so the rapist eyes. Gizzz ...) police officers did not leave her to find her fiercely bitter, dengerăuz's faces.
Brambleberry thing's clue-in the mouth is the first that made me raise my eyebrow. Then came torrents, torrents ...
For example ... motivations. The Buffalo REDIVIVUS understand it: the world crisis, shortage of inspiration, OK. But let us look in the opposite camp. Why were the poor Jill laid alert siren? Just because it's the bitter pill and has a gun? Come on! That's phase Police Academy (film) ... (of course, are the fool, that's actually not that by and sweeps to put someone impede and, supposedly, to make us believe that is the work of dwarfs. Of ...)
Conducted by Heitor Dhalia, some of the actors behave as if the scripts received only their responses - so experiment. Wes Bentley (here, the policeman Peter Hood) has an air ultramisterios, who suspect at first that directly related to the whole thing, then you say it's a false trail and wait to go back inside your vision, that eventually to realize that his acting in another film was dismal. If we simply cut the hood of scenario happens? Did not hole-in movie, definitely. Just as if you did not pick up the mother-with-intent-good-and-concerned, cooperating with police sequence.
And in general, police now say that an attitude of 'now' flay their skinu 'on mecle and in fact are some aliens invaders, hand in hand with murderous beast. Mister director hated all crossed the line. Or having them manufacturer said it's a thriller Mystery? It's not ...
Amanda Seyfried (Jill), the former hood (Red Riding Hood, 2011), also proves once again their professionalism, taking seriously their role to the end. For her and for her, give it a pass.
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