Romanian scientists have published a revolutionary anthropology so amazed thatanthropologists worldwide scandal. Scientific work is titled "Neanderthal Man, that you still love to beat the Neanderthal woman" and clearly indicates that Neanderthal man wasviolent with his wife about that one bruise that ghiolbanu 'jealous that was , animal fuckingwild.
In fact, scientists go with scientific analysis and the hypothesis that domestic violence, aswe know it today, is an invention of Neanderthals "is the first Neanderthal man whotamed violence and used it in household. Until then all violence that violence was foundwild, you could not close it. "Further, in" Here are the first man to tame violence! Photoonly! "Find that Neanderthal man beat his family to the madhouse, because he was notsane at the end:" Neanderthal Man, do not think that woman's Neanderthal Neanderthalman like you? "
In fact, scientists go with scientific analysis and the hypothesis that domestic violence, aswe know it today, is an invention of Neanderthals "is the first Neanderthal man whotamed violence and used it in household. Until then all violence that violence was foundwild, you could not close it. "Further, in" Here are the first man to tame violence! Photoonly! "Find that Neanderthal man beat his family to the madhouse, because he was notsane at the end:" Neanderthal Man, do not think that woman's Neanderthal Neanderthalman like you? "
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